2018臺北國際創業週期間,將辦理創業台北國際接軌論壇、創業台北星光媒合會、創業台北XR高峰會、臺北新創館及亞洲手創展展覽。歡迎對國際創新創業議題有興趣的朋友們,一同共襄盛舉,體驗臺北充滿活力的創業風貌。 An entrepreneur is a person who finds the way out. To start a business is not easy, but once you are determined to take the first step, then it will be a giant leap to your dream. Taipei City is trying to become the regional innovation hub in Asia, the first choice for international startups. To achieve the goal, Taipei City Government built a strong entrepreneurship ecosystem to back up every citizen who dares to dream. During the 2018 Taipei International Startup Week, "Leap Up", there will be many events which aim to stimulate the interactions between Taipei startup teams and global experts, including StartUP@Taipei Global Linkage Forum, StartUP@Taipei Demo Day, StartUP@Taipei XR Summit, StartUP@Taipei Pavilion and Pop Up Asia. Through the events, startup teams can not only show their creativity and energy but also have the opportunities to link up with worldwide partners.關於創業週