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Rock’n Taipei T.E.H.: Gateway to Taiwan Innovation Ecosystem

Welcome to Rock’n Taipei T.E.H.: Gateway to Taiwan Innovation Ecosystem! Join us at Common Ground Rockwell on April 26th, 10:30am - 12:30pm for an exciting event showcasing the best of Taiwan's innovation scene.


InnoVEX 2024 Pitch Contest

The InnoVEX Pitch Contest is open to exhibitors to register free of charge. The organizer invites international investors to be judges, and gathers resources from the government and enterprises as contest rewards. The final round is held publicly on the stage during the exhibition and broadcast live simultaneously, which is the event with the highest exposure for startups. In 2023, 11 startups from home and abroad were selected to win prizes worth more than USD $120,000. The Canadian startup Blumind Inc. won the grand prize with their product "Ultra-low power AI Analog Compute".


CHISEL Healthcare InnoMatch 2024

CHI Start-up Enterprise Link (CHISEL) Healthcare InnoMatch 2024 is calling for innovative market-ready or near market-ready solutions to address critical and emerging healthcare needs!


2024 Rising Up in Spain

Setting up your startup in Spain? Accelerate with the best services and contacts! We guide your startup throughout the set-up process in Spain. Work alongside mentors, lawyers and ecosystem contacts to accelerate your growth.

Innovation Base

Innovation Base Google Map