為充分展現臺北熱絡的創業氛圍,並協助新創團隊鏈結全球市場,臺北市政府主辦「2019臺北國際創業週」以一系列活動包括「創業台北國際接軌論壇、創業台北Demo Day、臺北創業家創新展暨亮點企業頒獎典禮、全球創業領袖高峰會、Meet Taipei臺北新創館及亞洲手創展展覽」方式呈現,藉此促進臺北與國際新創圈的交流互動、激盪更多創意,並提升宏觀視野,形塑臺北市成為亞洲創業首選之城市。
The thriving innovation of Taipei City plays an essential role in the development of Taiwan’s entrepreneurship. To strengthen the competitiveness of startups, Taipei City Government is committed to create a better entrepreneurial environment by promoting many policies and measures and introducing international trends and resources.
In order to show the features of startups in Taipei and offer a chance for them to link up with the global market, Taipei City Government hosted “2019 Taipei International Startup Week ” with a series of activities including StartUP@Taipei Global Linkage Forum, StartUP@Taipei Demo Day, Taipei Entrepreneurs Innovation Expo & Prominent Enterprise Award, International Entrepreneurship Congress, StartUP@Taipei Pavilion and Pop Up Asia. Through the events, we hope to facilitate the interaction between Taipei and global startup ecosystem, stimulate more creativity, and broaden entrepreneurs’ horizons, building Taipei up to the first choice for startups in Asia.
Loïc Dosseur / 法國 / Paris&Co CEO
Loïc DOSSEUR為巴黎創新育成專責機構Paris&Co的執行長,Paris&Co負責管理巴黎14個不同主題之育成中心或加速器,每年育成500多家新創公司,並與逾百家法國大企業合作密切。他將於論壇中分享其多年來輔導國際新創的經驗。
Loïc DOSSEUR is the CEO of Paris & Co, an innovation and economic development agency of the Paris Metropolitan Area. Paris & Co works closely with more than 100 French companies and manages 14 thematic innovation platforms in Paris. Each year, more than 500 startups benefit from the support programs.
伊藤嘉明 / 日本 / X-TANK CEO
Yoshiaki Ito is the CEO of X-TANK, a consulting firm that supports organizations to grow business. Though Japanese by nationality, Ito was born and raised in Bangkok and earned his higher education in the U.S., his border-blurring background and diverse resume may explain why his business approaches are often a blend of the foreign and familiar.
宮書堯 / 美國 / Takachar Founder/CTO
Kevin Kung earned his Ph.D. in the field of biofuels and renewable energy in 2017 from MIT. He is the founder of Takachar, a company that focused on turning unmanaged agricultural residues into charcoal through a reactor that enables small-scale, portable, and decentralized biomass conversion, saving transportation cost. In this forum, he will share the inspirations that he gained during his 8 years at MIT.
11/12 9:30 國際接軌論壇
StartUP@Taipei Global Linkage Forum
11/12 13:00 Demo Day
StartUP@Taipei Demo Day
11/12-13 臺北創業家創新展暨亮點企業頒獎典禮
Taipei Entrepreneurs Innovation Expo & Prominent Enterprise Award
11/13 全球創業領袖高峰會
International Entrepreneurship congress
11/14-16 Meet Taipei臺北新創館
StartUP@Taipei Pavilion
臺北市產業局與數位時代共同舉辦的2019 Meet Taipei創新創業嘉年華中,設置「臺北新創館」,協助臺北市各計畫輔導之優秀團隊提升知名度。今年更與多間大學育成中心合作,提供學界育成團隊展示機會,整合產官學資源,扶植更多優秀新創。
11/14-17 POP UP ASIA亞洲手創展
Pop Up Asia
POP UP ASIA 亞洲手創展是第一個以手作創業者與組織交流為核心的手作創業展會,探索手作創業創新趨勢與永續商業模式,透過亞洲各城市間的跨界合作與交流,建立具有前瞻性的手作創業生態系,讓喜歡的事成為生活。