::: 2020臺北國際創業週 11/17 創業台北國際接軌論壇 – Startup@Taipei創業台北

2020臺北國際創業週 11/17 創業台北國際接軌論壇title



At the beginning of 2020, COVID-19 spreads globally, not only changing the pace of work that people are used to but also demonstrating the importance of digital innovation and digital transformation in the face of the black swan. To help the startups grasp the key points to success, the cloud provider, VCs and AI medical authority from home and abroad are invited to StartUP@Taipei Global Linkage Forum to share the flexible responses and attitudes in the face of emerging work patterns. They will discuss the trends and applications of digital innovation and digital transformation from their perspectives and analyze how the startups use the advantages of cross-domain thinking to develop marketing strategies and expand international business opportunities.


時  間:2020/11/17 09:30-12:00
地  點:三創生活園區5樓(臺北市中正區市民大道三段2號5樓)
費  用:免費
議  程:

時間 Time 議程 Agenda 講者 Speaker
09:30-10:00 報到
10:00-10:05 前導影片播放
10:05-10:10 長官致詞

臺北市產業局 林崇傑局長
Chung-Chieh LIN, Commissioner
Department of Economic Development
Taipei City Government

10:10-10:30 如何透過AWS創新與成長
How AWS Helps Startups Innovate & Grow
Nicolas Vautier
Leader of Solutions Architecture, Taiwan
Amazon Web Services
10:30-10:50 數位時代的衝擊:對新創而言,這是革命性的時代嗎?
Impact of the Digital Age:
Are These Revolutionary Times for the Startups?
Volker Heistermann
常務董事 Managing Director
玉山創投 Yushan Ventures
10:50-11:10 數據力—募資的重要關鍵
Data is the Name of the Game
黃立安 Joseph Huang
創辦合夥人 Partner
Infinity Ventures
11:10-11:30 由醫院的數位化轉型看挑戰與商機
Digital Transformations in Hospitals:
Challenges and Business Opportunities
郭昶甫 Chang-Fu, Kuo
主任 Director
Center for Artifical Intelligence in Medicine,
Chang Gung Memorial Hospital
11:30-12:00 數位創新對談
Panel Discussion
The Trends and Applications of Digital Innovation
Nicolas Vautier, Volker Heistermann, 黃立安, 郭昶甫



Nicolas Vautier為臺灣亞馬遜網路服務聯合創新中心AWS解決方案架構團隊經理。曾為紐約的各大銀行與對沖基金建立交易系統;也曾在紐約、洛杉磯與臺北為客戶提供技術協助,總計累積超過20年協助國內外企業的經驗。Nico在輔導企業數位創新及數位轉型方面經驗豐富,將於論壇中分享「如何透過AWS創新與成長」,告訴新創團隊如何高速轉型以及尋找契機。


Nicolas Vautier is the Solutions Architecture leader for Amazon Web Services in Taiwan. He has a total of more than 20 years of experience of building trading system for a variety of banks and hedge funds in New York City and helping his customers with technology in New York City, Los Angeles, and Taipei City. Nico has made outstanding achievements in coaching companies on digital innovation and digital transformation. He will share "How AWS Helps Startups Innovate & Grow" in the forum.


Volker Heistermann在行動、無線通訊領域及新創事業長達15年,在臺灣共同創立玉山創投,引進Startup Weekend與Startup Lab至臺灣。現為價值1億美元的TPTF基金風險合夥人,亦為APEC顧問,為英特爾、西門子以及亞太經濟合作組織啟動APEC加速器,推動21個國家多項併購交易。Mr. Heistermann將在論壇中以「數位時代的衝擊:對新創而言,這是革命性的時代嗎?」為題,分享對臺灣新創團隊在數位轉型領域的觀察。


Volker Heistermann has been in the field of mobile, wireless communications and innovation management for 15 years. Mr. Heistermann co-founded Yushan Ventures in Taiwan and introduced Startup Weekend and Startup Lab to Taiwan. Currently, he is a Venture Partner at the US$ 100M TPTF fund and an Advisor of APEC, launching APEC accelerators for Intel, Siemens and APEC and promoting multiple mergers and acquisitions in 21 countries. He will discuss the topic of "Impact of the Digital Age: Are These Revolutionary Times for the Startups?" in the forum to share the observations of Taiwan's startups in the field of digital transformation.


臺裔美籍的黃立安為Infinity Ventures(IVP)合夥人,總管理資金3億美金,專注於AI、IOT、網路科技、娛樂、遊戲內容領域。涉足互聯網、手機產業、軟體、數位內容與顛覆性技術等的種子輪及A輪投資,積極發掘具潛力的新創公司,主導M17、Pinkoi等著名投資案例。論壇中,黃立安將以「數據力—募資的重要關鍵」為題,從數據分析的角度分享IVP如何評估投資對象在數位創新領域的表現。


Joseph Huang is a managing partner at Infinity Ventures (IVP), with a total management capital of US$ 300M, focusing on the fields of AI, IOT, Internet technology, entertainment, and game content industry. He dabbles in seed rounds and A rounds of investment in the Internet, mobile industry, software, digital content and disruptive technology, and actively explores potential startups, leading famous investment cases such as M17 and Pinkoi. In the forum, Joseph will discuss the topic of "Data is the Name of the Game." From the perspective of data analysis, he will share how IVP evaluates their investment objects in the field of digital innovation.




Chang Gung Memorial Hospital invested NT$45 million to establish a medical artificial intelligence laboratory, with an annual research funding of NT$4 billion, making it a world-class AI medical center. Dr. Chang-Fu Kuo serves as the director of the laboratory and plays an essential role in promoting AI medical care for Chang Gung Memorial Hospital. He is committed to developing AI medical technology, assisting in image interpretation and improving the relationship between medical and patient care. AI technology is regarded as an important support for the development of smart health. Dr. Kuo will discuss the clinical application and development of AI under the theme of "Digital Transformations in Hospitals: Challenges and Business Opportunities" in the forum.