::: 2020臺北國際創業週 11/18-21 Meet Taipei臺北新創館 – Startup@Taipei創業台北

2020臺北國際創業週 11/18-21 Meet Taipei臺北新創館title


臺北市政府產業發展局自104年起設立了「StartUP@Taipei創業服務辦公室」,旨在提供各樣創新創業團隊所需資源。為搭築國內優質新創團隊與深富潛力的國際新創交流舞台,特於臺北市產業局與數位時代共同舉辦的2020 Meet Taipei創新創業嘉年華中,設置「臺北新創館」。邀集臺北市創業輔導計畫優秀團隊以及學界育成中心推薦之育成團隊,超過50組優秀新創將分為生技醫療、生活時尚、創新應用、科技服務等領域,以現場產品展示與影片輪播展現臺北市源源不絕的創新創業能量。透過展覽,不僅能讓參與者觀覽新創企業的發展成果,亦能充分感受到臺北市活絡的創業生態氛圍。

"StartUP@Taipei" was established in 2015 by Taipei City Government and is committed to offering various resources for innovative entrepreneurs. To provide a platform for the local startups to cooperate and interact with investors from abroad, Taipei City Government holds an exposition "2020 Meet Taipei Startup Festival." Selected from "Taipei Entrepreneur Training Program" and innovation & incubation centers of universities, more than 50 startup teams will be divided into 4 domains, including Biotechnology & Medical, Lifestyle & Fashion, Innovation & Application, Technology & Service, and demonstrate their products and services. Through the exposition, visitors can not only experience the diverse innovation immediately but also have opportunities to know the startup trend and achievements in Taipei.

日  期:11月18-21日   Date: Wednesday-Saturday, Nov. 18-21
11月18日 15:00-18:00 (VVIP Day專業人士日:僅限創業家、創投、企業、政府單位與媒體)
11月19-21日 09:30-18:00
地  點:圓山花博爭艷館&長廊廣場 Taipei Expo Dome&Yuanshan Plaza