日期:11 月 17-20 日 10:00-18:00 Thursday-Sunday, Nov. 17-20
地點:松山文創園區 三、四、五號倉庫(臺北市信義區光復南路133號) Warehouse 3,4,5 of Songshan Cultural and Creative Park
為進一步將手創產業從臺北推向國際舞台,2022臺北國際創業週與POP UP ASIA亞洲手創展以此次展覽作為先聲,以獨特生活風格詮釋亞洲手創,目標是「讓喜歡的事成為生活」。
POP UP ASIA亞洲手創展為亞洲第一個以手創業者與組織交流為核心的手作創業展會,2022年以「I’M我是故我在」為主題,邀請來自波蘭的國際知名畫家Filip Pagowski聯名合作,期望為參觀者的感官思路帶來嶄新體驗。
活動部分將舉行「2022亞洲手創大人物選拔」、「感官新思路-ASIA 10x10國際論壇」、「商機媒合會」等,透過評選具市場潛力的原創品牌、推動陪跑計畫和品牌加速器項目以及四天的商業聯合活動,協助手創業者優化商業體質、鏈結海外商機,讓更多亞洲手創品牌被世界看見。
POP UP ASIA is the first handicraft fair in Asia that focuses on the exchange of handicraft entrepreneurs and organizations. 2022 POP UP ASIA will invite international well-known Poland artist Filip Pagowski to collaborate, hoping to bring a new sensory experience for viewers.
Through the activities of the "Pop Up Asia Awards ceremony", "ASIA 10x10 V.I.P. Guest Forum", and "Business Matching", POP UP ASIA selects brands with market potential. It provides the accompaniment programme, brand accelerator program for the brand owners and four days of joint business activities.
The exhibition will focus on four major themes: "Handmade", "Personalized mass production", "Local manufacturing", and "Customized services", allowing the entrepreneurs to show their professionalism, exchange business cooperation opportunities, stimulate more innovative possibilities, and build brands with international competitiveness.