活動時間:2019-11-15(五) 14:00 ~ 17:00 (GMT+8)
活動地點:臺北市中山區玉門街1號 (圓山花博爭豔館Maji Maji戶外餐廳)
在今年經濟部中小企業處林口新創園的政策引導下,由資育公司與美國MassChallenge共同攜手合作之「B2MC Taiwan計畫」已屆期末,所帶領的14個國際優秀新創團隊,經過今年全球200多隊的競爭洗禮下脫穎而出,一路過關斬將,經過國際業師嚴格的考驗,堅持到最後,並且遠征美國波士頓,最終並優選出Final 3,獲得明年度MassChallenge 準決賽資格,繼續征戰Masschallenge總決選殿堂。現在,他們凱旋而歸,將回國分享他們的成果。
為了把這份寶貴的經驗傳承下去,本計畫特別利用這個機會,除了藉此成果發表活動表揚優秀團隊,也藉此機會成立台灣首個B2MC Taiwan校友會,重燃最初的創業家精神,讓它持續在台灣生生不息。
Given a well-organized governmental policy by Ministry of Economic Affairs that was aimed to facilitate the evolving of startup ecosystem mainly based in SEMA Linkou Startup Terrance, the B2MC Taiwan program was set and being navigated to meet the ultimate goal taking its duty to serve 14 distinguished startups coming from all over the world.
Of the challenge and competition, where more than 200 competitors are involved to pass the qualification given by international mentors, we are so proud that 3 startups from our programs catch the chance with qualification to attend the final deal visiting Boston and continue their legend toward the end of the challenge. We are, now, pleased to be with their proud and honor, leading us to keep the story going on.
To be with the duty continuing the saga of their achievements, letting the experience be shared, equally learn and practice, we would like to price their approaches and taking this opportunity to form a B2MC Alumni Association, allowing us to achieve the spirit of entrepreneurship. This would allow us to continue their legend and spirit until the margin of the world.
We would invite our best mates with passion and spirits to join this event, letting us spin the world, reforming the world.
Time Topic
14:00-14:30 報到 / Registration
14:30-14:35 開場&致歡迎詞 / Opening&Welcome Remark
14:35-14:45 貴賓致詞 / Honor of Distinguished Guest Speech
14:45-14:50 B2MC TW計畫回顧影片 / Review MV of B2MC TW
14:50-15:30 B2MC TW Top14 團隊分享 / B2MC TW-Top14 Showcase本段以英文進行 (this session will conduct in English)
15:30-15:35 Remark from MassChallenge
15:35-16:00 B2MC TW 2019 Final 3 表揚暨校友證頒發 / B2MC TW 2019 Final 3 Award & Alumni Ceremony
16:00-16:10 頒發企業特別獎 / Special Award from Champion Sponsors
16:10-16:15 大合影 / Group Picture
16:15-17:00 交流&賦歸 / Networking