::: 2020.04.01 遇見CEO:向專家學習 MEET THE CEO #1 - AIR LIQUIDE – Startup@Taipei創業台北



遇見CEO:向專家學習 MEET THE CEO #1 - AIR LIQUIDEtitle

CCIFT與La French Tech Taiwan合作MEET THE CEO計畫。
MEET THE CEO計劃為企業家和新創企業提供大公司CEO會面的機會。加入我們的計劃,為您的事業開拓更好的未來。


The CCIFT in partnership with La French Tech Taiwan is pleased to present you MEET THE CEO. 

The MEET THE CEO program gives entrepreneurs and start-ups the chance to meet CEOs of big companies in Taiwan.

Are you looking for insights and relevant advice to grow your business?

Join our program and discuss your goals and challenges with executive CEOs during this unique coaching moment! We are proud to introduce you a pool of top CEOs from a large range of industries ready to hear you and support you.

The first session of our program will be hosted by Olivier BLACHIER, president of Air Liquide Far Eastern. He will be available for a 2-hour program of 45-minute 1-to-1 meetings with start-ups and SMEs.



Olivier BLACHIER joined Air Liquide Group in 2007, and was appointed as Worldwide Director for AL Solar Photovoltaic business in 2008. He then transitioned early 2010 to the role of Electronics Markets VP, managing in particular AL Electronics strategic accounts and global marketing.

Between 2013 and 2015, Olivier successively and strongly contributed to three group special projects, and then appointed in 2015 as VP, Industrial Merchant World Business Line, supervising markets strategy, innovation programs, industrial management and digital transformation of AL IM activities.

In July 2018, Olivier was appointed as Air Liquide Far Eastern (ALFE) President, and Electronics VP for the Greater China Cluster effective September 1, 2018.

Prior to Air Liquide, Olivier held various Product-, Marketing- and Business Line management positions at BOC Group in the USA, Taiwan and UK. He also project managed acquisitions of >10 companies, structuring of 3 joint-ventures in Asia, and sale by Linde of its Edwards Equipment business to CCMP end of 2006.

Registrations will close on Sunday April 12th (11:30 PM)
Selected companies will be informed by latest on Monday April 20th
