::: 2015.01.09 Mao Zhiguo promotes the ministry to collect innovation and entrepreneurship stories – Startup@Taipei

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Mao Zhiguo promotes the ministry to collect innovation and entrepreneurship storiestitle

Source: Central News Agency

President Mao Zhiguo today asked all ministries to collect stories in the field of innovation and entrepreneurship, tell them to young people, and inspire their imagination.

After Mao Zhiguo listened to the Ministry of Economic Affairs' "Strategy for Promoting Taiwan's High-growth Small and Medium-sized Enterprises" report at the Executive Yuan in the morning, he instructed relevant ministries to integrate and streamline industry assistance and counseling windows to create a more convenient and friendly environment for entrepreneurship and development.

Mao Zhiguo also requested that ministries and committees should collect stories in the field of innovation and entrepreneurship, and tell them to young people at home and abroad, so as to stimulate the imagination of young people, so that young people who are interested in investing in this type of industry can see their talents and combine them with like-minded partners. Exploring new possibilities and meeting market needs can also enable local cultural and creative industries to generate spillover international market value.

Mao Zhiguo pointed out that Taiwan’s national competitiveness should focus on innovation. Although innovative emerging industries are divided into two types: direct attacks on the international market and local characteristic small and medium-sized enterprises, local characteristic small and medium-sized enterprises do not mean that they do not have innovative and creative elements and enter the international market. potential.

He said that he has repeatedly emphasized the need to find ways for young people. Small and medium-sized enterprises with local characteristics are very suitable for most young people who want to start a business and young people who want to find a job. Just think of creative ideas and find like-minded ones. Partners, persevering, not afraid of failure, and launching products or services with local characteristics are a kind of entrepreneurial opportunity.

Mao Zhiguo also said that more than 5 ministries will be involved in assisting young small and medium-sized enterprises with local characteristics, and there are also 20 or 30 financing channels for related platform projects. Last week, through the establishment of the Innovation and Entrepreneurship Development Report, it is an integrated platform.

He asked the Innovation and Entrepreneurship Association, led by Vice President Zhang Shanzheng of the Executive Yuan, to integrate relevant application channels, integrate the various platforms and plans of the ministry, including regulations and financial assistance, to simplify application procedures and provide development channels to create more innovation. Convenient and friendly environment for entrepreneurship and development.