::: 2015.02.11 Dream Crowdfunding Platform, Passing Taiwan's Innovative Spirit – Startup@Taipei

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Dream Crowdfunding Platform, Passing Taiwan's Innovative Spirittitle

Now that innovation and entrepreneurship have become prominent in the global economy, especially in the face of full competition in Taiwan, it has stimulated the idea of ​​young people wanting to start a business. The "Creative Dream Market" jointly funded by Yi, Gamania, Yuquan, and Internet Banking) gathers the entrepreneurial energy of mobile games, mobile applications and cultural and creative industries. Entrepreneurs in Taiwan's games and cultural and creative fields have injected the most comprehensive and abundant energy.

DIT Funding (www.ditfunding.com), the key business of Chuangmeng Market (shares), has officially launched its operation! It is expected to become an exclusive group fundraising platform for the cultural and creative industry, assisting people in the cultural and creative fields, mobile games, and mobile applications from proposal planning, marketing, production resources, channel resources, post-fundraising management, brand management, etc., all in one One-stop resources and services!

The platform also cooperates with the "Huashan 1914 Cultural and Creative Park Brand Research and Innovation Center" to hold a two-month "Crowd Fundraising Theme Exhibition" from February 6, which will open the first wave of exciting group fundraising projects online/physical simultaneous integration , Inviting the public to come and discover more Taiwan's high-quality innovative brands through warm and interesting interactions, and at the same time have a deep understanding of the now-popular "mass fundraising" in the world.

The Creative Dream team cooperated with the Taiwan Innovation Center, the Information Council, the Taiwan Cultural and Creative Industry Association and other units. The first wave of the group fundraising station contained many innovative and exciting proposals. For example, the eco-friendly paper camera that can be photographed is combined with the social welfare cross-border program of the Children's Welfare Alliance, the New Year of the Goat products invited by Taiwan's outstanding plastic artists by Artgo Creative, and the independently published image creator Heidi Duoer's "The Star Is Gone" The reprinting project of the text creation, the Digital Collection Agency Authorization Center of the Information Technology Council, the cross-border products of classical and new ideas, the workshop to promote the spirit of global Maker, and the Seth Biotechnology of the land record project through the image of jam , And the promotion of organic cotton, hoping to become a brand that is beneficial to the global environment, MOJIL...etc., many excellent proposals that are full of dreams and love for Taiwan.

In addition, there are many other rich group proposals for design products, clothing accessories, picture book publishing, Taiwanese products, performing arts, etc., ready to be launched! The "Creative Dreams Group Fundraising Platform" is online, and people can directly support Taiwan's wonderful cultural and creative industries through the Dream City Group Fundraising Platform!

Dream Market DIT Startup https://www.facebook.com/ditstartup/timeline
Dream group fundraising platform DIT Funding http://goo.gl/SfYWVQ
Creative dream group fundraising platform: www.ditfunding.com