::: 2015.02.05 Sign up for the Global Accelerator, and travel around the world while starting a business! – Startup@Taipei

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Sign up for the Global Accelerator, and travel around the world while starting a business!title

The division of labor for accelerators is getting finer and finer. Here is an introduction to the recent deadlines:
1. Top Techstars in the world
San Diego: The accelerator that it cooperates with Qualcomm is an accelerator for robots and automatic control, and it ends on 2/15. http://qualcommaccelerator.com/

Boston: Old store, established in 2010. It ends on 3/15. http://www.techstars.com/program/locations/boston/
Berlin: Cooperation with SAP, Detroit Venture Partners, Renaissance VC, Fontinalis Partners and other venture capital. It ends on 3/15. http://www.techstars.com/program/locations/berlin/
Detroit: The new store, established at the end of last year, cooperates with Ford, Manga (large auto parts factory), and Verizon to focus on the new generation of smart machines, controls, navigation, etc. It ends on 3/15. http://www.techstars.com/program/locations/mobility/
Boulder (Boulder): Founding shop, deadline on 3/15. http://www.techstars.com/program/locations/boulder/
Los Angeles: The branch in cooperation with Disney was established early last year and ended on 4/19. http://disneyaccelerator.com/

2. Health and fitness related
Venice: The demand for health and fitness has become popular from last year to this year. The newly established Wellness Accelerator this year focuses on health, fitness and wearable devices. The course lasts for four months and ends on 2/28. http://www.wellnessaccelerator.com/
Berlin: EyeFocus Accelerator lasts for 13 weeks, hoping to change the lives of blind people through disruptive innovation. Quite a social enterprise culture, I hope that the company can change human life as the company grows. Cooperate with Bayer Healthcare Group and Carl Zeiss. Ends on 2/15. http://eyefocus.co/
Tennessee: Memphis, Tennessee, USA, is famous for its medical technology and industry (Taiwan Jinglei Technology's US headquarters is located here). The ZeroTo510 located here specializes in tutoring new innovations related to medical devices and assisting FDA's 510(k) application. Ended 3/16. http://zeroto510.com/

3. Social impact
Atlanta: Social influence innovations are also popular. He Point of Light Civic Accelerator mainly coaches citizen enterprises for profit or non-profit, and "people"-oriented innovations. This year, I mainly cooperated with the PWC Charity Foundation, hoping to increase the influence of women in the technology industry. Registration is currently open and closes on 3/7. http://www.pointsoflight.org/

4. Information Security
London: Cyber ​​London (CyLon) is Europe's first accelerator specializing in information security, deadline 3/2. https://cylonlab.com/

5. Silicon Valley
Silicon Valley: The well-known accelerator 500 Startups has just received a 450 million investment from Guofa, and there will definitely be pressure to invest in the Taiwan team. Its founding store in Mountain View is currently open for registration, and the deadline is 2/20. http://angel.co/500startups

6. Australia
Melbourne: AngelCube is a well-known accelerator in Australia. It receives ten companies every year and holds demo days in Melbourne, Sydney, San Francisco, New York and other places. Ends on 3/23. http://angelcube.com/